The State of Connecticut and local cities and towns offer a wide variety of tax incentives that encourage businesses investment. Numerous tax credits, tax exemptions, and tax abatements are available at the state level, while municipalities can offer property tax incentives based on certain levels of capital investment. DECD's Office of Business and Industry Development helps companies identify specific tax incentives that will positively impact the bottom line and improve long-term competitiveness.
The following is a list of tax incentives in Connecticut (as of 5/2/2010) as listed on the site:
For more information about business assistance programs, contact:
Connecticut Business Response Center – A state funded, free service for businesses looking for information on assistance programs, organizations and incentives. Specialists answer questions via a toll-free number (1-800-392-2122) or via email ( Or visit You Belong In ConneCTicut and click on "Doing Business in CT" to search the online database, ProgramFinder.
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