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Dan Malloy’s Roadmap for Connecticut focusing on Innovation & Entrepreneurship


Connecticut's Gov.-elect Dan Malloy (D) has developed a roadmap focused on innovation and entrepreneurship. Gov.-elect Malloy would develop a fund using close to a billion dollars in unused research & development tax credits to leverage new research and advanced manufacturing space, and encourage the participation of state and municipal pension funds to augment the initial investment. The secretary of the state named Malloy, the former Stamford mayor, as the winner after a contentious night at the polls. His contestant, Tom Foley, vows to dispute the election. Under the Malloy administration, the state would expand in stem cell research and other cutting edge bio-medical fields.

His education and workforce development plans would focus on ensuring that "life-long learning" strategies are in place for Connecticut students and workers. He would target development of private-public partnerships to improve links between workforce training and key competitive industries, retooling career ladders and ensuring access to affordable, and relevant incumbent worker training.

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