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Conrad M. Banas awarded Laser Industry Award

Presented to an individual who has made outstanding career-long contributions of industrial laser applications in manufacturing operations, this year the Laser Industry Award recipient is Conrad M. Banas.

Connie, as he is better known internationally, retired as Chief Scientist from the Industrial Laser Division of United Technologies Corporation (UTC) after a stellar 40 year career. After obtaining a BSME from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 1953 he began his career at UTC (then United Aircraft Corp.) doing experimental investigations of aerodynamic and thermal problems associated with fixed wing, helicopter, hypersonic aircraft and reentry vehicles.

His career in laser technology started in 1963, and in 1964 he used a pulsed Nd:YAG laser to drill the first holes in jet engine alloys. In the ensuing 25 years he established himself as an international leader in industrial applications of high power lasers.

Some of his accomplishments include: generating the first deep-penetration laser welds, evaluating Laser rock cutting for the U.S. DOT, leading teams in laser welding of lead acid batteries for Western Electric and the laser welding of air conditioning and transmission components for General Motors and Chrysler, and his work for Pratt & Whitney on jet engine combustor liner welding and drilling resulted in a savings of $50 Million.  His innovative work has extended the life of jet engine components and has demonstrated a significant savings of manufacturing time and money.

These and many other industrial laser applications that were developed for manufacturing operations attest to the success of his pioneering approach to reduction of basic technology to cost and quality effective applications on the factory floor.

Professionally Connie is a recipient of several prestigious honors, including the LIA‘s Schawlow Award in 1997 for pioneering accomplishments in laser material processing and  the AWS Comfort Adams Award for contributor to the art of welding.  In addition to his BS degree he was awarded Masters in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters in Physics, both from the University of Connecticut.

CCAT's selection of Connie Banas as the first recipient of their Innovation Award sets the standard for future awardees as he benchmarks the goals which are the transition of industrial laser material processing technology into industry.

“Our first recipient represents the essence of this award” said Elliot Ginsberg, President and CEO of CCAT. “He has contributed throughout his professional career of 50 years to the significant transfer of innovative laser technology into the manufacturing sector.” The award will be presented at the Symposium for Advanced Laser Applications (SALA).  SALA 2010  will be held on April 14-15th at Renschler Field in East Hartford, Connecticut. For additional information on SALA contact Bob Murray at

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