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CCAT Advanced Manufacturing Tour 2013


Mobius Part

Johan traces the Mobius design that was manufactured from a solid block of aluminum

The CTC Staff, plus one, took a tour of CCAT’s Advanced Manufacturing Center on the campus of Pratt & Whitney and the the United Technologies Research Center.  Tenant companies inside the Advanced  Manufacturing Center have access both to laboratory and R&D space for projects that require industrial laboratory capabilities. In addition, the AMC also offers access to extensive materials characterization and other technology support services to those companies.

Today was Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, and Johan, age 6, joined CTC as a technology worker, with a focus on learning about lasers.  The tour was fascinating to all – young and old! We look forward to sharing our knowledge of CCAT’s unique capabilities with our CT companies.

Optomec LENS

Jeffrey Crandall describes the The Optomec Additive Manufacturing – Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS) system which builds parts layer-by-layer. It is used to cost effectively fabricate, enhance, and repair high performance metal components in state-of-the-art materials. The LENS system can process many high-performance metals including titanium and nickel-based super-alloys with the quality required for the critical applications typical of those found in aerospace, defense and medical devices.

Johan gets inside the LENS

The tour included the opportunity to reach in and and experience the manufacturing process, coming close to the most powerful lasers this 6 year old has ever seen!

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