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Plan to jump-start job creation and position the Connecticut Economy for long-term growth

Connecticut Democrats divulge the findings of their roundtable on job growth at a press conference in Hartford on February 2nd.

The Majority Leaders’ Job Growth Roundtable consisted of legislators, academics, and members of the business community and was led by Majority Leader Denise Merrill and Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney. The group has released a report containing recommendations including tax credits, green job investments, energy efficiency and leveraging private capital that will be turned into legislation for the upcoming session.

Watch a video clip, Matthew Nemerson speaks at Maj. Leaders’ Job Growth Roundtable presentation of findings, 2/2/2010:

  1. Invest at all stages of business growth, utilizing bonding, investor tax credits, state pension funds and private equity funds

  2. Reinvigorate industry clusters

  3. Provide export assistance to companies

  4. Realign selected tax credits

  5. Create a more seamless, easily accessed government process

  6. Invest in mass transit

  7. Incent energy efficiencies and green energy job creation

  8. Educate a workforce for in-demand jobs

Other related links:

House Demorats, announcement: Agenda for Job Creation and Prosperity

MAJORITY LEADERS’ JOBS GROUP ANNOUNCES PLAN TO JUMP-START JOB CREATION AND POSITION CONNECTICUT’S ECONOMY FOR LONG-TERM GROWTH Among Group’s Recommendations: Realignment of Tax Credits, Investment in Green Jobs and Energy Efficiency, Smarter Government, and Leveraging Private Capital for Entrepreneurs

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